
This blog is meant to be an encouragement to you as you journey through your day. If you have a question about the life of faith, please feel free to email me. I certainly don't have all the answers, but I welcome the conversation.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Epistle of James #12 - More about Wisdom


"The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:17

As we talked yesterday in our groups, following worship, several shared that they knew folks who had exactly the kind of wisdom described in this verse. They also knew folks who, while clearly Christians, seem to have exactly the opposite kind of life. 

They are not pure, they are not peace-loving, they are not considerate, they are not submissive, they are not full of mercy and good fruit, nor are they impartial and sincere. 

We are called to love these folks, just as much as we are called to love those who bless us with their God-given wisdom. We are called to pray for them, and even, when possible, take opportunity to ease their pain. 

However, and this is what James wants to make clear, we are not called to follow them, or listen to their divisive rancor. We must carefully choose what voices we listen to. Seek the voice of God, and the voice of those who are also listening to that same voice. How do we know? That is when we return to James 3:17.

Grace and peace,

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